Wednesday, April 9, 2014

4/8/2014: Bahia's Huatulco

Last Friday morning; a panga comes up to our boat and starts knocking on the hull at about 6:30am! "The Port Captain said you must move! Cruiseship coming now!"  O.k....... try to process information.......Karin, get up and start the motor, we have to move now! We managed to get everything in order quickly and haul the anchor. We moved to another part of the bay, but the man in the panga said we were still to close to the channel. O.k., one more try, except, the anchor was snagged on a large piece of concrete with ropes around it. The windlass struggled, but I was able to see the problem. Now, we could only let out as much chain as possible to back off of the channel. I let out about 240' of our 300' of chain, and felt like we were far enough away with out backing us onto the rocks.

The ship arrived a bit later with a lot of excitement! Even Jack had to check it out.
So, after the ship was settled, we decided to head up the coast to another bay, but first I had to get in the water to deal with the anchor. I pulled it up with the windlass, and luckily, I was able to reach down with a knife and cut the rope. We're free! The wind came up, so we raised the mainsail and took off for Bahia Jicaral.

Our private little bay! We were the only boat, except for one other sailboat that stopped overnight.
There were snorkel tours that came by everyday for a couple hours, but when they left, we were alone.
We brought  our beach umbrella and settled in for a great afternoon of snorkeling, and running Jack on the beach. I was amazed when Karin was offshore snorkeling, and Jack took off swimming toward Karin. He scared the hell out of her when she felt him climb onto her shoulders, she wasn't expecting it at all!

Around the corner from us  was Bahia San Augustin, we met a nice young man named Jasil, who told us he worked at one of the Palapa's on the beach, and offered us a panga ride to check it out. He was very helpful, and took care of our trash ( a constant challenge!) for us. We had the famous Camerone 4 x 4. 4 each of  4 differently prepared shrimp. It was pretty good, the main thing was helping out Jasil. He went out of his way looking for customers, and took good care of us. The next day he came by with his son Dillon. Karin had given him some lollipops the day before, then we gave him some toy airplanes and a notebook and crayons. We gave Jasil some fishing stuff to help out. So far, we've been fortunate to have met so many nice people, I only hope that we've left a good impression on them too.

Back in Santa Cruz to provision, get fuel, and watch the weather. So far, Saturday looks pretty good....we'll see. 

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