Friday, April 25, 2014

Getting Jack home

Karin wrote:

We Love Jack, and he is an awesome little guy, but it has been a real pain trying to figure out how to get home with him.  We can't fly him into Phoenix because it is too hot.  So we looked into renting a car. Last week we were told it would cost $2500 to drive a car from Tapachula to Nogales.  He can't ride on the bus, so we thought about one of us flying home and getting the Toyota and driving back to the boat (which is on the Mexico Guatamala border) and THEN driving all of us back home......crap!  So we looked at options of just staying here in the Tapachula area for the summer, and Joe and I taking turns flying home.  We really love it here and would love to rent a little place in the mountains, but we need to do some work on the house in Scottsdale to get it ready to put up for sale, see my Mom, and replenish the sailing kitty.
 Leave it to a dog to mess with the kitty!

Today Joe tried an online rental car booking site and got a quote of just over $1000. usd ( $900. of it is a drop off fee). We have to drop the car in Hermosillo, Sonora about 4 hours from Tucson. That works for us, plenty of friends could pick us up from there!
Now we have a departure date of May 6th so preparations for leaving the boat are underway.  We hope to come back July or August and continue exploring this area and hopefully rent that little cabin in the Mountains!


  1. Lemme talk to Pam. I've got to get down to San Carlos, and we've got two vehicles.


    1. Right now it looks like the 10th or 11th. I give you a call.
